For Troop 615, this has been an active year. Already this year we have gone rock climbing, and had two Eagle projects, Sean Buchanan is advancing to Eagle, and Hart Rossman soon to follow. Ten boys advanced in rank at our last court of honor. Four Scouts were elected to the Order of the Arrow; Marc Hoffman, Kris Nedzel, Jerry Frese and Matt Horne. Three Scouts went to Philmont; Steve McDermott, .Marc Hoffman and Hart Rossman. Three Scouts went to the National Jamboree, Matt Horne, Patrick McClammer and Jerry Frese. We have maintained our size of 26 boys in Troop 615. Troop 700 joined our meetings and we have a joint outing scheduled for April 15, at Broadcreek. Again this year we have achieved BSA's recognition as a Quality Unit. We have summer camp scheduled for June 26 - July 2, at Camp Horseshoe in Pennsylvania. TROOP SCHEDULE Mar 12 Skiing Trip Ski Round Top 7:00 am - 7:00 pm Mar 23 Board of Review Mar 26-27 Caving Trip 6:15 pm departure Mar 30 Court of Honor 7:00 pm Resurrection Hall Apr 15-17 Cabin Camping Broadcreek Apr 27 Troop Elections TROOP SKIING March 2, 1994 Due to bad weather, the January skiing trip has been rescheduled for March 12. We have arranged for skiing lessons at Ski Round Top in Pennsylvania. For a 1 hour lesson, equipment rental and lift tickets for 8 hours we have arranged to get a discount rate for each person to pay of $25, if we have 15 or more people. TROOP FINANCES The Troop recently completed the annual fund raiser, delivering telephone books in Catonsville. Thanks to all those Scouts and parents who helped this year. A special thanks to Rick Kalyniuk, Tom Trenary and our Scoutmaster, Mac McDermott for their jobs of organizing the deliveries. We delivered 18,000 books over a two weekend period. This year's income from this fund raiser will be a little higher because in addition to the phone books, we had an insurance flyer from US Life. We will receive a penny and a half more for each flyer we delivered. Recently we were notified that we will not be working the concession stands at Oriole Park at Camden Yards. The Troop we worked with did not renew their contract with the Orioles. The Troop is seeking out other sources of funding. Any suggestions would be welcomed. MARCH 12 Vol. 2 No. 1 Round Top is a 90 minute drive from Baltimore. We will probably need three or four adult to driver. The plan is to leave from Resurrection at 7:00am Saturday morning and return by 7:00pm. All those interested in going should contact their Patrol Leaders to sign up. QUARTERMASTER's CALL Our Quartermaster, Daniel Ramirez is calling in all of our equipment to take inventory. If you have a tent, poles, pots, kitchen set or a stove, please bring them in so we can find out what we have and what we need to buy. We need to have a complete inventory taken by the end of March so that we can place orders for the equipment needed for the new Scouts joining the Troop in May.